The origin story

from 2024-05-09

Host static sites. Sounds trivial, right?

Here are details worth considering, whether you host on your own servers or rely on a platform like the one we're building.

Security: full HTTPS, HSTS, headers galore

Securing all traffic is a no-brainer.

All HTTP traffic is redirected to HTTPS, and we include HSTS headers everywhere.

We go a bit further, with referrer-policy: no-referrer, x-content-type-options: nosniff, x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN out of the box.

Admin: 2 clicks to sign up or sign in, everything in real time

We've been there: the latest launch is broken, a rollback is in order.

We've made it as fast and simple as possible, and as with any launch, it's effective across our infrastructure in milliseconds.

And to make sure wires don't get crossed, the entire admin console is fully reactive.

Uploads: only what's changed

xmit is smart enough to only upload files that have changed. It's open source (0BSD license), so you can inspect the details. In short, it generates a manifest of all file hashes, uploads it only if it's new (checked by hash), then uploads only files whose hashes are new.

Safe launches: atomicity & fallthrough

With atomic launches, it's all or nothing, and within the milliseconds of propagation delays of our coordination system (etcd). A client won't see HTML referring to a new JS/CSS/asset until it's been made available on its connection, avoiding a common source of 404s.

To fully avoid 404s, previous launches also need to be excluded slowly: servers need to fall through, so a client which loaded HTML just before a launch, which referred to JS/CSS/assets not included in said launch, still gets enough chances to load them (today, over 5 launches and 10 minutes, such that removing a resource propagates consistently within an short window).

xmit subdomains: every upload is visible to your team

Every upload can be accessed through a dedicated xmit subdomain, letting you vet it before launch if you didn't enable launch on upload. Those subdomains are only accessible to your team. They stick around, so it's easy to check what was online at any point in recent history.

Protocols: HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, & H3

HTTP/2 was a leap forward. QUIC is another.

We support both, announced through DNS HTTPS records and Alt-Svc headers.

accept-ranges: bytes

Resume downloads, play videos in Safari, and more. We support range requests and advertise it to clients.

Compression: gzip whenever worthwhile

Rather than hardcode a list of extensions or MIME types worthy of compression, we give it a go on everything, and use the compressed version when requested and smaller.

Caching: ETag & if-none-match

na Our servers only rely on content-addressible caching. Browsers cache URLs.

We do not introduce any propagation delays in CDNs, proxies, or browser caches other than through headers you control.

But if the browser saw a resource already, no reason to transfer it again. That's where ETag comes in. We always report one, and return 304 Not Modified if it appears in the if-none-match header received from clients.

www subdomain

Unless you launch a site there, we redirect www to its parent domain for you.

No need for a subdirectory per page

Name your page hello.html and access it at /hello. Simple and practical.

Just enough config

xmit.toml, which isn't served, offers simple settings. For example:

fallback = "index.html" # for Single Page Apps
404 = "404.html" # for custom 404 pages (none in SPAs)

[[headers]] # add a CORS header
name = "access-control-allow-origin"
value = "*"

[[headers]] # unset "referrer-policy"
name = "referrer-policy"

[[headers]] # cache assets for a year
name = "cache-control"
value = "public, max-age=31536000"
on = "^/assets/"

from = "^/new/(.*)"
to = "/$1"
permanent = true # 301 instead of 307